Islamia College Peshawar admission
Islamia College Peshawar open admission for MS, PhD program for session 2015, the following disciplines for MS/MPhil, and PhD programs for session 2015. Application on the prescribed form is available from IIBL University Campus Branch. Application complete in all respect must reach the Directorate of Higher studies & research islamia college Peshawar Studies & Research by 09.01.2015.
Study Program
MS/M.PhiI in
Botany, Chemistry, Economics, Islamic Theology, Physics, Statistics, Zoology
PhD Programs in:
Chemistry, Economics, Islamic Theory, Physics, Statistic, Zoology.
Eligibility: For admission to MPhiI/MS Program
Candidate should have Master’s Degree in the relevant discipline or 16 years of education/BS-4 years (132 credit hours) with at least 2 Division (annual system) or CGPA of 2.50 on the scale of 4.0 (semester system) from HEC recognized university or Degree awarding institution However, for admission to MPh1I in English the candidates with CGPA 2.0/4.0 is also eligible to apply. The relevancy of the Master/BS Degree (16 years of education) shall be decided by Graduate study Committee (GSC) of the respective discipline of Islamia College Peshawar.
For admission to PhD Program
The candidate must possess M.Phil/MS or 18 years of education with CGPA 3.0/4.0 in the relevant discipline. The candidate is required to pass the GRE subjected test (with at least 60% marks) prior to admission or transfer as the case may be. Subjects for which GRE test is not available will be conducted by the GSC of the respective discipline.
Admission Criteria:
It is inform to the students who want to get admission that admission will be purely on merit basis as per following criteria: Terminal Degree 40%, Admission Test 50%, Interview conducted by GSC 10 %
Important points about admission
Those candidate who are employ of Government/Semi-Government institute must apply through proper channel receiving the No Objection Certificate from their respective parent department. Hostel facility is not available at the moment Rules regarding Higher Studies & Research remain intact as per rules/regulations of ICP. Admission will be given subject to the availability of the Supervisor in the field of study/research strictly according to the HEC’s requirements. Incomplete and late applications shall not be entertained.
Schedule for test and interview:
One thing kept in mind that Scrutiny of documents, entrance test and interview will be conducted by GSC of each department as per regulations of Higher Studies & Research of ICP within the stipulated time. The candidates are required to inculcate that No separate call letters for test/Interview will be issued. For the date of test/i Interview, the candidate must contact the respective department(s) for confirmation in this regard. The list of the pass/qualified candidates shall be displayed on the notice boards of the relevant Department.
Last date for Admission: 09-01-2015
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