ACCA Admissions 2015, FC Lahore
Forman Christian College opens admissions 2015 for the students who are interested in ACCA department. It offers admissions in ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accounts), FD (Foundation Diploma), BS Hons Applied Accounting. FC is Chartered University. It gives chance to Accountant Student to enhance their knowledge and abilities. Classes will be starts till 8th June 2015. Getting Education is not a problem in Pakistan, Technology made it easier for us. Number of Colleges and Schools increases day by day. All the fields including Teaching, Politics, Medical, Banking and engineering depend upon Education. Every country directs connect with Education. We can’t deny the Importance of Education.
ACCA/FD Admission 2015
Forman Christian College (FC) , was established in 1864 by American Christian activist and academician Dr. Charles William Forman. The University has designed 4 years Bachelor’s Degree. FC has a great reputation for providing good Education. It has leading role in the development of student’s career. FC is the best university of Pakistan. When we look at the Past, there are millions of illiterate people who lived in darkness, but education removes this darkness. Success of different fields like medicines, engineering, nuclear energy and chemist’s luxuries of all kinds depends on education. A nation is nothing without education. Islam has great importance for getting education, a Great quote about education is “Get Education whether you go to China”. This is the responsibility of institution to provide Education to those students who can’t afford educational expenses. University offers different scholarships for such students.
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