Results Uptodate is providing the best educational services at your doorstep. Now you can check or get your 5th class, 8th class, 9th class, 10th class, 11th class, 12th class, BA, BSC, BCOM, Bachelors, MA, MSC, MCOM, Masters, MPhil, Punjab Board, Khyber Pakhtukhwa (KPK) board, Sindh Board, Baluchistan Board and all universities results from our online results services. Its our duty to provide your required result for you exactly on time and also keep up to date to all students about the exact dates and time of their results. As soon as possible an educational Board or a university announced its result, we mentioned the results for their relevant students. And every students can get their result without any registration process exactly on time from our website. Our best wishes and prayers are always with result waiting students.