
Bise Federal Board (FBISE) Matric Results 2015

Bise Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Matric Results 2015

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) established under FBISE act 1975 and it is working for Quality Education. It resolves all the matter and problem related to results and date Sheets. Federal Board results are prepaid by the Educational Authority of Board. Date of Published of results is not exactly known. It is hope that it will announce in July or August.

Bise Federal Board Matric Results 2015

It is the responsibility of Board to get affiliated with institutions to provide latest information and handle educational matters. Board has strict policy for checking papers. Matric Result card contain all information about Subjects, obtained Marks and total marks. If students have any doubt about his/her marks then he can recheck his paper. In abroad result announced as according to already notified. The main responsibility of board is to contribute the positively in the goals of nations and aim of education. Student who have supply at first time he can improve his marks again in second chance. And after passing again result card will be issue by the Board. Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Board have the right and powers to develop and regulate the Ssc and Hssc examination in the private and public schools and colleges connected with it. Student must remain in touch with our website and get latest information about Results.

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